Teens Entrepreneurship Program
Asmakam, 22 Sunshine Farms, A.B. Road, Indore (M.P.)
The most common thing any startup founding team experience is why didn't they start earlier? The amount of learning involved in working on an idea from planning to execution is beyond imagination. Self reliance, creativity, independence, critical thinking, problem solving, risk taking abilities, interpersonal skills, trusting unknowns, communication, leadership skills, money management, strategic thinking, resources optimization, ethical and moral values, humbleness, being kind, empathy are among many life skills in addition to hard core technical, operational, marketing, finance, planning and execution skills one learns while working as an entrepreneur.
It’s exhilarating to plan something, to watch it grow, and to know you made it happen. Learning how to start a business at a young age also has another big advantage. In general, people pick up skills faster when they are young than when they are adults. (Maybe they just have less clutter in their minds.) As a young entrepreneur, you will have a head start in life over your peers. With business experience under you belt, you will be better able to prove yourself more skillful and create a great portfolio for future endeavours.
Asmakam's Teen Entrepreneur Program will start with recruiting 10 confident and creative teens and brainstorming some creative eco friendly, green ideas for kids by kids. 2 most innovative ideas which have potential to scale up and generate revenue will be selected and team of 5 teens will work on each of them. This entrepreneurship journey will be supported by mentors from successful startup community. After 3-4 months of incubation, seed funding will be generated from parents and external investors. The entire program is designed in such a way that teens can work together on weekends and utilize their week days time without affecting their academics as much as possible.
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